Plumas Health Care Foundation (“PHCF”) is a nonprofit public benefit corporation with the express purpose to establish and maintain a contributing program for the procurement, management, and application of charitable contributions for the operations, improvement, and expansion of health care facilities and related programs of Plumas District Hospital.
...that’s really just a fancy way of saying that the Foundation has the privilege of buying fund new medical equipment and facility upgrades for our hospital, with funds raised through special events and thanks to the hearts of our generous donors. Our Foundation works diligently to help make our hometown hospital to be the best that it can be.
The Foundation’s core is its Board of Directors, who are all hard-working volunteers with passion for our community. They meet monthly or more, and work to carry out the Foundation’s mission and goals through their elbow-grease, spirit, pizzazz, and luck. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
In past years, the Foundation purchased new equipment such as a photo-therapy unit, used to treat newborn jaundice, for the hospital’s obstetric department. They also acquired a number of personal digital assistants (PDAs) for the nursing staff. The PDAs put an entire library of specialized medical information in a nurse’s pocket.
More recently, the Foundation assisted in the purchase of a new digital mammography machine that is currently in use at PDH. The Foundation also completed Adopt-A-Room projects for rooms 11 & 12. Rooms 6 & 14 are currently under construction. These projects would not be possible without the generosity of our donors.
We invite you to join us in this effort. When you give today, you will help ensure that PDH can provide the best care now and in the future. Thank you in advance for your gift, and thank you to those who already give. It will touch someone’s life and make a real difference!
For more information, contact the Plumas Health Care Foundation at
“Why do I support Plumas District Hospital? I could explain that our little local hospital has been voted a top 100 Critical Access Hospital, or that it’s the smallest hospital in California with a full obstetrics program… but you can find all of that on Google. The reason I support PDH, personally, is because it’s a truly special and literally life-saving place. The staff there is kindhearted and invested in our community. Big cities can’t say the same. I always feel warmly welcomed, safe, and at home. I support the Foundation because I want to help make sure the feeling of warmth continues to blossom for all others who step foot on campus.” -Anonymous Donor
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